All parents with children at Cults Primary School are members of the PTA and are warmly welcomed at meetings which are usually held once per term.
Like and Follow our Facebook page to see community news and reminders. Subscribe to Events to be kept up to date with upcoming fundraising & social events
Contact us anytime on , via the school office or in the playground with feedback, ideas or if you are willing to help with events. We are grateful for all help, big or small, the events can’t run without it!
Cults Primary PTA takes responsibility for organising social & fundraising events for the school community. Every year the PTA host a range of events & are always willing to try new things. They take funding requests directly from the School Management Team & from the Parent Council (PC) all aimed at enriching children’s experiences & making an already great school even better.
The PTA also organise class reps for each class to encourage a warm and welcoming school community. Please contact us if you’d like to take on this role for your child’s class. Duties may include arranging class get-togethers once a term, maintaining class contact list for willing participants, making newcomers feel welcome and encouraging participation in PTA events, fundraisers, shopping sites and meetings.
Like and Follow our Facebook page to see community news and reminders. Subscribe to Events to be kept up to date with upcoming fundraising & social events