Lunch is served each day in the dining hall. These are prepared daily on the premises. In line with Aberdeen City Council policy menus are planned to provide nutritious, well presented meal choices daily. School staff promote the healthy options and actively encourage their uptake.
If your child has any particular dietary needs please discuss these with our cook who will do everything possible to meet the needs of your child. Please contact the school office to be put through to the kitchen to discuss dietary needs.
Free meals are available to parents who are in receipt of Income Support, Income-based Job Seekers Allowance, in some cases Child Tax Credit, Employment & Support Allowance, support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 and Universal Credit.
Application for free school meals can made online at
Packed Lunches
Packed lunches should be brought in a named lunch box and eaten in the packed lunch room or dining room. In the interest of safety, please do not allow your child to bring glass bottles to school and be mindful that, although lunchboxes are kept out of direct sunlight, they are not kept refrigerated. Please bear this in mind when preparing lunch for your child.
Research shows that children who eat a healthy meal at lunchtime are better equipped to concentrate on classes in the afternoon. Please ensure that your child eats a healthy lunch.
Find out more about Aberdeen City Council’s School Meals service: